Good dental routines established in youngsters provide a strong foundation for maintaining oral health over the course of a lifetime. When oral healthcare begins at an early age and continues on a regular basis the dentist can follow your child’s dental growth and development, provide preventative care, and effectively treat the initial stages of the vast majority of problems. Furthermore, early training in the fundamentals of proper oral hygiene techniques and dietary habits benefit not only a child’s smile, it improves their overall health and sense of well-being.
With regular dental check-ups your child will become more and more comfortable in the dental office. At each periodic exam Dr. Gulati will go over the child’s medical and dental history, examine their teeth and all of the surrounding soft tissues, as well as check the bite and jaw alignment. Dental x-rays may be taken to check for tooth decay, infection, or to evaluate developing teeth and underlying bone. When your child is old enough, we’ll perform a professional dental cleaning to eliminate any plaque or debris that has accumulated between the teeth or in hard to reach places. A topical fluoride treatment is oftentimes performed after the cleaning. This serves to strengthen the teeth by re- mineralizing the small imperfections in the tooth enamel. Topical fluoride is a safe and effective way to combat tooth decay.
After your child’s permanent molars and premolars come into place, we typically recommend the placement of dental sealants. Sealants act to protect the vulnerable areas of these teeth from the bacteria and acids that cause decay. Dental sealants are quite strong and can last for several years, never the less we’ll evaluate them at dental check-up visits to make sure that they are intact and reapply as needed.
The health and development of your child’s smile is our paramount concern. At Liberty Dental, we do our utmost to help ensure they enjoy the benefits of a healthy and beautiful smile.